
Posts tagged with richmond

  1. Exhibition: InLight 2022

    2022-11-18 22:17:00 UTC

    InLight 2022 1708 Gallery’s 15th annual InLight will take place November 18-19, 2022 at Bryan Park in Richmond, Virginia. Artists will create works that engage with and expand upon the histories and current activities that comprise Bryan Park, as well as the site’s current uses. These include Gabriel’s Rebellion and…

  2. To Watch: November 2020

    2020-11-06 05:40:37 UTC

    November 2020 seems to be a very busy month I will be talking to Middle and high school students in MLit organized by Fin Bradley from the Virginia Fine Arts Museum. I will also be part of a series of group shows: InLight / Afrikana Film Festival - 1708 Gallery.…

  3. To Read: Art with a Limited Lifespan

    2020-08-01 06:52:00 UTC

    Art with a Limited Lifespan A conversation between Marsha Pearce and Luis Vasquez La Roche Marsha Pearce: Hi Luis, how have you been coping during this time? I know this is a particularly charged question for you as you’ve been completing graduate study at VCUarts, in a city that was

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